Uploading Your CD Metadata to Gracenote

Gracenote is a free service that maintains and licenses an Internet database of album content and information.  It is through Gracenote that services like iTunes and Windows Media Player have your album info and share it with millions of users.  Below is a step-by-step guide on how to upload your finished project using iTunes to the Gracenote database.

To upload, you will need a physical copy of your album (ideally a final pressing), iTunes, and a reliable Internet connection.

Place your CD into your computer’s disk drive.
When iTunes opens up, DO NOT import the CD into your library.  Simply click “No” in the dialog box.
Select your first track then right click and select “Get Info”.
Fill in all the information in the “Get Info” tab, then click “Next” and continue the process until all the tracks have information.  
Now, within iTunes, select the “Advanced” tab and click “Submit CD Track Names”.
Wait 2-3 days.  Gracenote has many servers around the world, and sometimes it can take a little while to make it to all of them. Then, place the CD back in your drive.  Now go to “Advanced” and select “Get CD Track Names”.  
The album information is now coming from the Gracenote servers.

The steps are similar if you are using earlier versions of iTunes.  For example, If you are using v1,  follow the guide below:
Gracenote may think that your album information has already been uploaded.  If this is the case, simply hit “Cancel” on the dialog box and continue with steps 1 and 2 from above.
Go to “Options” and select “Submit CD Track Names”.
A new “CD Info” box will pop up.  Fill that with the applicable information and then hit “OK”.
An “Accessing Gracenote” scroll bar then dialog box informing you that your information has been uploaded to Gracenote.
Wait 2-3 days.  Place the CD back in your drive and go to “Options” then select “Get CD Track Names”.
The album information is now coming from the Gracenote servers.

If there are any issues with your upload, please contact Gracenote support to diagnose your specific issue.

Below is a link that provides a similar step-by-step guide and answers to general FAQs that you may come across.
